Monday, February 29, 2016

Koon Woon ----- Notes to myself (poem)

Notes to myself, good in any case

Shorten the bad memories to lengthen your life
Let embers of love and fire softly die
Let not the past escape its perimeter
So that today’s spring rain signifies spring

Be you a frog then patrol the swamp
Be you a lotus then cover the pond
Suffered you a bad night here comes dawn
Make this a habit to always look beyond

Surely as there are concentric rings to Hell
Beyond Heaven there are innumerable heavens more
Let not your desires be trapped on earth
Let go all and as a dragon heavenward soar

Monday, February 15, 2016

Lange Woon ----- two poems

Lange Woon ------- two poems

Truth Comes Again

It came,  passed, in an instant.
10 years more to state it.
10 more to analyze it.
10 more to debate it
10 more to refute it.
10 more to discard it.
10 more to forget it.

It came again.
A new generation to hear it.
It came, passed, in an instant.
10 year more to state it…..


So familiar.

Dad’s home from work.
Smiling mom, so beautiful.
Glass in hand.

Kids so happy. Dancing.
Hopping on Daddy’s lap.

Tickling, laughing. Giggling.

Pleasing to the eye.
So delicious.

Relaxing in front of the TV.
Nice show.
So inspiring.
Time to turn off this episode.
We’ll watch reruns again tomorrow.

Return to your cell block.