Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Julie A. Dickson ----- Five poems

The Wise Man Bridge
I’d heard about a bridge from the time I was a girl.
I’d rarely gone to investigate the rumors people shared.
Countless travelers told tales that, while crossing, heard a voice.
They spoke of hearing a wise man who offered direction to the lost.
Weary travelers who came to town called it The Wise Man Bridge.
Local men scoffed and laughed; kerchiefed women whispered,
but I had always been afraid, had chosen to stay away
until the day my papa died when I felt lost and alone.
As I approached the bridge, I heard nothing, I stopped.
Soon there came a whisper, “Why have you not come before?”
I shuddered and stood quietly. “You know what to do.”
I nodded and a peaceful calm fell over me.
I thought I recognized the voice and then knew it was my own.
My voice within had spoken; the travelers had not listened.
As others before had walked upon The Wise Man Bridge,
I had been afraid to listen to my own wisdom.
Pomaceous orbs glisten with dew
in the morning sun, succulent morsels
shine yellow-red behind translucent leaves.
The clusters nestled in gnarled tree forks,
weigh down slender sapling branches
awaiting the eager hands of harvest.
Gather them now into your basket.
Drink in their aroma, coolly crisp;
savory apple, each snap in your mouth.
I’d Never Make You Cry
If I was a man, I’d wear a felted hat,
walking tall down the dark street,
a knowing glance to those I meet.
If I was a man, I’d have my arm around your shoulder,
proud to be seen with you,
a treasure, come real and true.
If I was a man, I’d never make you cry.
I’d recognize your strengths and good,
revel in your worth, I would.
But I’m not a man, I don’t know what it’s like
to walk in your shoes
even if I could choose,
I’d never make you cry.
A Hawk
I walk the rocky foothills through scrub pine;
above me a hawk in lazy circle soars,
repeating pattern of some grand design,
Hawk spies a salmon while river’s mouth pours
o’r stones and pebbles, loose branches they flow;
tangled, catching, break free, they travel.
Held tightly in talons, his prey in tow-
Has stirred up silt among the gravel.
Echoed sound of footsteps, path traversed,
he, solitary as my stride, the hawk.
I wander through existence well-rehearsed;
tranquility must feed me as I walk.
I feel the morning sun upon my face,
feel nurtured as within my love’s embrace.
Homeless: No Purpose
Drifting along a deserted sidewalk,
hearing a song from the corner café.
Passed by open door - hear strangers talk,
icy glances, their chosen whispers say.
No one looks my way, in my direction;
anonymous, continue to survive.
I walk alone, passed by- with no objection,
As if I have no purpose to be alive.

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