Thursday, November 19, 2015

Donald Gasperson -------- two poems

a lark's psalm

pray stay lady mary 
and say a sad mass 

hard's that raw fact 
a man falls splat jack 

as a bad man 
act that last gasp 

a fat cat's black math 
hard cash class 

what say that mad max 
bank that fast track 

craft a bad draft 
cash all that graft 

and that's tact 
'happy and all that'

as apt as art 

a lark's psalm 

windfall apples

a hard early frost
leaves rime in the coffee pot
so stir the fire up
enough to warm a cold cup
breakfast a windfall apple

about in that cold
the fields as raw as should be
the fences are down
under the bramble and fern
the wood coming back to true

awake and sleepless
the 'possum under the boards
likes good company
accepts a windfall apple
carefully eats in quiet

1 comment:

  1. These poems make for an exciting read. I enjoyed the use of language and rhythm.
