Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Carl Papa Palmer

An American Appetite        

Eating here stateside is hard to define,-
much more than cheese wedgies, veggies and meat,
or drive-thru fast foods on most any street.
Choosing food from signs while waiting in line,
we “dress to the nines” with waiters and wine,
snack between meal treats of anything sweet,
on a bar stool seat, sit waiting to eat.
It can be fine not to dine by design.
We eat with our hands at hamburger stands.
We graze the buffet while filling our tray.
From various brands, from various lands,
from breakfast soufflé, to evening sorbet,
our waists expand as we “munch on demand.”
We eat “our way” here in the USA.

~ Carl "Papa" Palmer
University Place, WA


  1. This is my first poem ever published. Koon put it in the 2005 Spring issue of CHRYSANTHEMUM.

  2. I am sorry it took so long for someone to discover you, Carl. Mucho wishes for your continued success!

  3. How true that Americans are quite food-oriented...we eat!
    Nice rhyme scheme on this one, Carl.

    1. ...and it was fun with the double rhyme and ten syllable rhythm. Thanks for your comment, Julie.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
